When you learn how to skateboard for beginners you will know that there are two different ways to stands. The two different ways to stand are called as STANCES.
GOOFY - when you use your right foot forward while you learn how to skateboard for beginners it is called goofy.
REGULAR - when you use your left foot forward when you learn how to skateboard for beginners it is called regular.
Given below are three ways to find out which is easy for you to skate on your board.
Using these ways you can find out how you feel comfortable standing on your board while skating. Try all these tricks to find out if you are REGULAR or GOOFY.
FIRST Method while you learn how to skateboard for beginners:
This is an easy trick. Go get a ball first. Or get something like that which is like a ball. Now keep the ball or the object in front you. Kick the ball or the object in front of you. Now with which foot you use to kick the ball or the object will be your back foot while you are skating. Now the balancing foot will be in the front when you are skating and the foot with which you kicked the ball will be your back foot for skating.
SECOND method while you learn how to skateboard for beginners:
Walk up a staircase. Go up on it. The foot which you use to climb up first will be your back foot while skating and the other foot will be your front foot while skating. This trick will tell you if your regular or goofy.
THIRD method while you learn how to skateboard for beginners:
This trick is quite hard. Read this trick carefully. You need someone to help you with this trick. Ask them to stand behind you. You should stand with both your feet close together, and ask the person standing behind you to push you. When you fall forward you will put one leg forward and use the other for balancing. Now the foot you used to balance yourself is the foot which you should use as the back foot while skating and the other foot as the front foot.
Most people are right handed likely, the same way most people are regular footed. Most of us feel comfortable using our right hand, the same way as a skateboard beginner most of them feel comfortable using their right leg. That's why the name REGULAR. After trying out all these tricks, these tricks tell you whether you are regular, but if you like to ride as goofy, then you can go ahead and be a GOOFY itself. Ride with which you feel most comfortable, it might be regular or goofy. Now you are ready to ride.
As a skateboard beginner if you like to know how to skateboard for beginners: you can visit our website LearnHowToSkateboard.net